
Cheltenham Yoga Therapy and personalised one to one yoga

In addition to our group yoga classes, we also offer individual yoga tuition either in person or online via Zoom. Individual tuition isn’t simply us running a ‘group class for one person’. It’s much more significant than that and requires the teacher to have been specifically trained to work with individuals (therapeutically or otherwise). So as trained Yoga Therapists ourselves we can recognise your needs to give you a yoga practice that is appropiate for you.

It’s an opportunity for the practitioner to develop a regular home practice, tailored to their particular objectives and supported by regular meetings with the teacher.

On another level, it’s an opportunity to use regular, supervised yoga practice as a therapeutic application to address physical, emotional, mental or energetic health issues. What many people today refer to as ‘yoga therapy’. It might be that you’re recovering from a sports injury or you might be suffering from a recurring back problem, stress, anxiety; there are a lot of situations where yoga therapy can help.

Long before group yoga classes became so popular, one-to-one tuition was how yoga was traditionally taught and we believe that it’s still the most effective way for the serious practitioner to deepen their practice or to use yoga to restore good health.

What to expect

Typically, at an initial consultation, we would meet to discuss your health, objectives, how often, when and where you could realistically practice. We would also work through a few simple asana (postures) and other yoga techniques to establish your strength, flexibility, abilities and limitations.

At the end of the consultation, we will have put together a personalised yoga practice for you to take home and work with. This would form the basis of your first home yoga practice, which would be presented as an easy to follow practice plan using ‘stick-men’ diagrams (see the pictures above), supported with simple guidance notes. This will be your opportunity to work through your own practice at your own pace and time to suit you.

After a few weeks of you working with your practice we’d meet again to review it, making any necessary adjustments, maybe give you a new practice, depending on how you got on with it and whether we both feel we’re heading in the right direction!

Before you leave this second session, we would arrange a third appointment a few weeks hence, so that you’d have adequate time to work with the practice however many times we’d agreed. At this third session we would discuss how things went, develop the practice accordingly and plan further sessions.

How much?

For costs and to book an individual consultation either in person or online, please contact us.